Deposit Protocols

A MultiSignature address will be used to allow for the protocols targeted for deposits for the AMM to be updated to maximize yield and APY, while only choosing large, reputable battle tested protocols. The team may also have the AMM withdraw from the protocol and not deposit should there be concerns about security and no alternatives found. Projects can also create their own AMM contract for their tokens, allowing users to benefit from APY on stables/eth/tokens while LPs. Finally we will allow for developers to create an AMM contract that uses any custom protocol for deposits, though these will not be shown in the front end unless checked.

These smart AMMs are a v2 feature on the roadmap and not for the current deployment. We hope to offer both jsolated and specific locked AMMs as well as dynamic smart AMMs for a more passive approach.

We plan to swap to a more decentralized and autonomous model, where APY will be optimised onchain, however this will only be post launch as we expand and feel comfortable with the protocol and mechanisms, as onchain mechanisms create risk. But we plan to give up any team role as soon as able and safe.

Last updated